Top Democrat: Trump says he’d shut government for years

Following a meeting between Donald Trump and congressional leaders on Friday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters that the president said he would keep parts of the government closed for a “very long period of time, months or even years”. 

The comments came as politicians attempt to overcome an impasse pitting Trump’s demand for building a border wall against the Democrats’ call for alternative security measures. 

Key parts of the US government shut down on December 22 after Trump refused to back down on his request for more than $5bn in funding for a wall on the southern border, which the Democrats oppose. 

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Trump struck a different tone, calling the talks “productive” and saying that he believes leaders “have come a long way”. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Friday that administration officials and congressional staff will meet this weekend to attempt to reach a deal to recommend to Trump to re-open the government. 

Ahead of Friday’s meeting, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters that Trump “isn’t going to back off” on the request for funding. 

On Wednesday, during a meeting between the president and Democrats, Trump reportedly said he would “look foolish” if he backed down from his demand.

More soon… 

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